Skinny Pigs
& Baldwins
"Smooth and Sweet"
Skinny pigs are adorable little clowns. These beauties are born completely bald, except for patches of fuzz on their nose and feet). Skinny pigs are more calm and affectionate than the classic furry guinea pig varieties, and have quite the unique look; having with colors and patterns of SKIN instead of fur.
Baldwins are the rarest of guinea pigs, and (if you ask us) one of the coolest little creatures on earth. Baldwins are born completely covered in fur, which falls out as they mature, starting a couple weeks after birth. By the time they reach two months, they are completely bald, and remain so throughout their adulthood. Baldwins are also more calm and affectionate than any other type of guinea pig.
Before settling on any of our adorable available babies listed below, be sure to read our Terms of Adoption and understand the rules and obligations. For specific questions regarding these critters or our upcoming litters, please don't hesitate to contact us.